Friday, January 13, 2012

Life's good

Life's good even when it's not. We have, in resent months, gone through some extreme changes in our life. We had one of our dogs die. We move back out on our own. We got more work then promptly lost it and some of the work we had before. My teeth started to fall out. I got a cold that lasted three weeks. And we found out our friends want to take us to Maui in April so we needed to go on a diet.

As one can probably tell life can be full of awful surprises(aka. Our dog dying or our bills going up and then having our wage cut in half). However it seems as though no matter what bad things happen there is always things to look to for joy. (I have included photos of some of these things).

I finished listening to the 2012 yearbook of Jehovah's witnesses (downloadable in both audio and PDF formats at yesterday. This year the country's that we're featured were Rwanda and Norway. What an eye opener. The men women and children who lived through the Rwandan genocide were even able to find the bright side to life. One family lost two out of three children and the wife lost her parents. At the end of the war she said she was glad that they would see them again in the kingdom of god. What an inspiration.

So for today's blog I would conclude the way I began. Life's good even when it's not.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Top ten movie anthologies

Well here is one that is close to my heart. These little groups are soo good that the studio decided to make a whole wack of them. In doing so made us love hearing that a new one is coming. In some cases this is to see if the new one can save the franchise from the dismal failure of the last one. In other situations it is in expectation of an adrenaline ride of the same caliber of the last instalment. In any case we relish the thought of the box set. So here we are the top move anthologies according to bubby.

10. The Terminator
Although this franchise has had it's ups and downs ( need I remind anyone of the red leather clad villain of the third installment ). I still think that everyone is exited to see the tiny red glow of the T series' eyes.

9. Die Hard
Now this is a group of movies I can completely get behind. According to the critics the last movie in this quadriligy was a complete let down. Of course these are the same morons that thought "inventing the abbots" was a wonderfully peice of art. Does anyone remember that little gem of cinematography? No. I thought not.

8. Toy Story
I know. I know. What is this a blog of handy dart riders. No. This is not number one and I had to make some meaningful arguments with myself to put it in a higher position than the previose to treasure troves. These are just three movies that have fascinated 15 years worth of children. And we all laugh a little at the stinky Pete type characters. I would like to have other cartoons in this like shrek but I am only going to do this argument once.

7. Pirates of the Caribean
This may seem like an obvious choice on the cusp of a fourth release. I think however that a group of movies with an actor that is as tallented as Johnny Depp must have some mention.

6. Batman
Now this is a tricky one as it would seem that it is two separate anthologies. It is of course just that. However I think that they can be saide to have tied for this spot. If you care to remember the first two movies were directed by one of the greatest directors of all time, Tim Burton. The last two are some of the best movie of the last ten years. Yes there were some obvious mistakes made in the middle but even those only resulted in the revamping of the franchise.

5. James Bond
This is the longest running group of movies in history. All of them are good in there own ways. There was only one of them that was no good and one that was made to be a comedy. If you have not seen this great bunch of films please take the time.

4. Beverly Hills Cop
Truly funny movie. There is nothing else I van say about these two movies.

3. Star Wars
I could not do this list without adding these six movies. Some of them do not deserve to be on any list but the others over rule that problem with there greatness.

Now for the two trilogies and there subsiquint offshoots that have one my heart and the hearts of many others.

2. Preditor
The first one of these movies is a classic. The third promises to be awesome. The second was lacking but had it's moments and introduced some of the better weapons of the great hunters and how can we help but to thank them for there help in wiping out the aztecs.
What an ingeniose initiation using

1. Aliens
The greatest group of sci-fi/thriller movies ever made. Possibly one of my favorite movies of all time is the second film in this set.

Now here is a list of films that did not make the list but that deserve to be mentioned.

A fist full of dollars
Resadent evil
The matrix
Leathal weapon
Nightmare on elm street
X men
Iron man
Kill bill
Austin powers
Waynes world
Dirty Harry
The cross series

Just to name a few

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Dear Reader

I realize that it has been a long time since my last post and since i don't have any readers this does not really matter. However i am working on a few really good posts. "The top ten best movie anthologies.""Top ten best indie songs of all time""The best unremembered movie quotes" to name just a few. These will be coming with all my love in the next few weeks but for now just know that i am not gone forever.

Thank you
Caleb "the cleaner guy" Johnson

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

top ten artists and then some

Lately i have not been posting because i have been extremely busy. One thing that i always make time for is art. These are some of the artists that have changed the way i look at art and imagination.

The first is Antz. He is a graff artist that i have been watching on deviant art for some time and his works are some of the best lines i have seen. I love this guy.

you can look him up at

The nest artist i would like to show you is Angry Woebots. This guy is so cool and he works wicked fast. I found him through the vinyl toy scene. The toy scene is a super easy way to find some awesome modern artists. Now the art i am going to show you is all pandas.You may think y doesn't this cat draw robots with a name like that. well he used to but then he just saw too many guys drawing them and there was one guy that had been drawing ones like he drew for longer than woebots so he decided to start with the pandas and it has ended up making him mad coin so. anyway here is some of his stuff.

By the way if anyone wants to buy me that hat i would be ok with that.

Next i would like to talk about the legend of the toy world Frank Kozik. This amazing artist brought collectible toys to the mainstream in the united states and canada and now is changing it by doing these crazy political pieces. check out the clockwork beathoven.

Huck Gee. He was introduced into my world through kidrobot. He mostly works on toys but i managed to find a couple prints to show you.

there are just a couple but i encourage you too check out his toys.

Andrew Bell is the next guy i would like to show all you art lovers out there. this guy has the weirdest imagination that i have ever seen. He has these little creatures that a weird, intricate, and often they say somthing in there actions. his toys are neat too but i like his prints the most.

These next couple prints are just original characters of an artist named Chamba. Chamba also does some crazy good fan art but i fell in love with the character random veus. so awesome.he is like the kick ass elvis. check this out.

The first artist that i really got into when i came back to drawing this last time was a man named Noah Whyler. Now this guy is interesting because he covers a wide range of styles but they always look like his drawings. you should look him up at deviant art. Here are some of the ones that i really like.

You have probably seen the work of Luke Chueh. The cover of the last fall out boy album was designed by him. Statement is made both by the titles and the artwork itself. these three pieces are entitled "dead pez" "black in white and red all over" and "jacked". Enjoy!!!

Sorry i could not leave it at just 3. He is just too brilliant.

Moving on. the next two are both graffiti icons i will just have the name above the art.
Mr. Brainwash


The last artist that i want to bring too the for is one of the most well known artists in the world. In-fact if you don't know this artist than you should not be reading this blog. Y have just wasted your time.
Jamie Hewlett is the artist that came up with the concept art for the gorillaz and tank girl. Here are some pieces that he has done.

Well i could add more but i am already over ten and i think i should save some for when you beg me for more.

thanks and of course.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

ten music videos as good as the song

Here is a list of songs accompanied with there videos. You may have seen or heard them before but they are just so good that they must be shown to you. for all of you that have not well you know. enjoy

Ok Go- Here it goes again. T his is known as the treadmill song. You will know why shortly.

Lisa Mitchel- Coin laundry. This was given mention in my last entry about commercials. This is just a great song and a awsome video.

Eddie Murphy- My girl wants to party all the time. well this video speaks for itself. this is just a hilarious failed attempt at a music career and the video is so funny. maybe not legitimately good but you will enjoy it. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always"
allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

I had to add this one because it is one of the most crazy and artistic videos I have ever seen. I can not find the video to ad to the blog but the title and artist can be found on myspace and u can watch the whole thing there. Check it out.
Janelle Monae "tightrope" ft big boi

Jimmy Fallon- Idiot boyfriend. This video just really suits the song and the song is hilariously brilliant.

The Chemical Brothers ft Fatlip- salmon dance. this is just cool.

Fatboy Slim- Weapon Of Choice. Ok so I finally remembered what the people who don't like this video are called. "alkyda."

Nizlopi- JCB Song. this is one of the few songs i get kinda emotional over and it has a neet little video that displays the idea behind the song.

Gym Class Hero- Peace Sign Index Down. just super feel good.

Enur ft Natasja- Calabria 2007. This is for you fellas. yaa. Try not to get tooo hot under the color.

Gnarls Barkley- Who's gonna save my soul. Wow this is so messed up. Sorry for all you with weak constitutions.
Well i hope you like these videos.

use it and win

Search + Win

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

songs in commercials

These are the commercials we have all seen. You have probably seen the big mac commercial and thought that is a cool song. unfortunately that song was written by McDonald and therefore i can't give you that one. However these are some of the other songs that you have heard and perhaps even seen and thought those are some crazy good songs.


Well thats my top ten. I know there are more so let me know witch ones you love.

ps. sorry for the caps
