Wednesday, March 24, 2010

top ten artists and then some

Lately i have not been posting because i have been extremely busy. One thing that i always make time for is art. These are some of the artists that have changed the way i look at art and imagination.

The first is Antz. He is a graff artist that i have been watching on deviant art for some time and his works are some of the best lines i have seen. I love this guy.

you can look him up at

The nest artist i would like to show you is Angry Woebots. This guy is so cool and he works wicked fast. I found him through the vinyl toy scene. The toy scene is a super easy way to find some awesome modern artists. Now the art i am going to show you is all pandas.You may think y doesn't this cat draw robots with a name like that. well he used to but then he just saw too many guys drawing them and there was one guy that had been drawing ones like he drew for longer than woebots so he decided to start with the pandas and it has ended up making him mad coin so. anyway here is some of his stuff.

By the way if anyone wants to buy me that hat i would be ok with that.

Next i would like to talk about the legend of the toy world Frank Kozik. This amazing artist brought collectible toys to the mainstream in the united states and canada and now is changing it by doing these crazy political pieces. check out the clockwork beathoven.

Huck Gee. He was introduced into my world through kidrobot. He mostly works on toys but i managed to find a couple prints to show you.

there are just a couple but i encourage you too check out his toys.

Andrew Bell is the next guy i would like to show all you art lovers out there. this guy has the weirdest imagination that i have ever seen. He has these little creatures that a weird, intricate, and often they say somthing in there actions. his toys are neat too but i like his prints the most.

These next couple prints are just original characters of an artist named Chamba. Chamba also does some crazy good fan art but i fell in love with the character random veus. so awesome.he is like the kick ass elvis. check this out.

The first artist that i really got into when i came back to drawing this last time was a man named Noah Whyler. Now this guy is interesting because he covers a wide range of styles but they always look like his drawings. you should look him up at deviant art. Here are some of the ones that i really like.

You have probably seen the work of Luke Chueh. The cover of the last fall out boy album was designed by him. Statement is made both by the titles and the artwork itself. these three pieces are entitled "dead pez" "black in white and red all over" and "jacked". Enjoy!!!

Sorry i could not leave it at just 3. He is just too brilliant.

Moving on. the next two are both graffiti icons i will just have the name above the art.
Mr. Brainwash


The last artist that i want to bring too the for is one of the most well known artists in the world. In-fact if you don't know this artist than you should not be reading this blog. Y have just wasted your time.
Jamie Hewlett is the artist that came up with the concept art for the gorillaz and tank girl. Here are some pieces that he has done.

Well i could add more but i am already over ten and i think i should save some for when you beg me for more.

thanks and of course.
