Monday, August 30, 2010

Top ten movie anthologies

Well here is one that is close to my heart. These little groups are soo good that the studio decided to make a whole wack of them. In doing so made us love hearing that a new one is coming. In some cases this is to see if the new one can save the franchise from the dismal failure of the last one. In other situations it is in expectation of an adrenaline ride of the same caliber of the last instalment. In any case we relish the thought of the box set. So here we are the top move anthologies according to bubby.

10. The Terminator
Although this franchise has had it's ups and downs ( need I remind anyone of the red leather clad villain of the third installment ). I still think that everyone is exited to see the tiny red glow of the T series' eyes.

9. Die Hard
Now this is a group of movies I can completely get behind. According to the critics the last movie in this quadriligy was a complete let down. Of course these are the same morons that thought "inventing the abbots" was a wonderfully peice of art. Does anyone remember that little gem of cinematography? No. I thought not.

8. Toy Story
I know. I know. What is this a blog of handy dart riders. No. This is not number one and I had to make some meaningful arguments with myself to put it in a higher position than the previose to treasure troves. These are just three movies that have fascinated 15 years worth of children. And we all laugh a little at the stinky Pete type characters. I would like to have other cartoons in this like shrek but I am only going to do this argument once.

7. Pirates of the Caribean
This may seem like an obvious choice on the cusp of a fourth release. I think however that a group of movies with an actor that is as tallented as Johnny Depp must have some mention.

6. Batman
Now this is a tricky one as it would seem that it is two separate anthologies. It is of course just that. However I think that they can be saide to have tied for this spot. If you care to remember the first two movies were directed by one of the greatest directors of all time, Tim Burton. The last two are some of the best movie of the last ten years. Yes there were some obvious mistakes made in the middle but even those only resulted in the revamping of the franchise.

5. James Bond
This is the longest running group of movies in history. All of them are good in there own ways. There was only one of them that was no good and one that was made to be a comedy. If you have not seen this great bunch of films please take the time.

4. Beverly Hills Cop
Truly funny movie. There is nothing else I van say about these two movies.

3. Star Wars
I could not do this list without adding these six movies. Some of them do not deserve to be on any list but the others over rule that problem with there greatness.

Now for the two trilogies and there subsiquint offshoots that have one my heart and the hearts of many others.

2. Preditor
The first one of these movies is a classic. The third promises to be awesome. The second was lacking but had it's moments and introduced some of the better weapons of the great hunters and how can we help but to thank them for there help in wiping out the aztecs.
What an ingeniose initiation using

1. Aliens
The greatest group of sci-fi/thriller movies ever made. Possibly one of my favorite movies of all time is the second film in this set.

Now here is a list of films that did not make the list but that deserve to be mentioned.

A fist full of dollars
Resadent evil
The matrix
Leathal weapon
Nightmare on elm street
X men
Iron man
Kill bill
Austin powers
Waynes world
Dirty Harry
The cross series

Just to name a few