Friday, January 13, 2012

Life's good

Life's good even when it's not. We have, in resent months, gone through some extreme changes in our life. We had one of our dogs die. We move back out on our own. We got more work then promptly lost it and some of the work we had before. My teeth started to fall out. I got a cold that lasted three weeks. And we found out our friends want to take us to Maui in April so we needed to go on a diet.

As one can probably tell life can be full of awful surprises(aka. Our dog dying or our bills going up and then having our wage cut in half). However it seems as though no matter what bad things happen there is always things to look to for joy. (I have included photos of some of these things).

I finished listening to the 2012 yearbook of Jehovah's witnesses (downloadable in both audio and PDF formats at yesterday. This year the country's that we're featured were Rwanda and Norway. What an eye opener. The men women and children who lived through the Rwandan genocide were even able to find the bright side to life. One family lost two out of three children and the wife lost her parents. At the end of the war she said she was glad that they would see them again in the kingdom of god. What an inspiration.

So for today's blog I would conclude the way I began. Life's good even when it's not.